Comhlucht Forbartha na nDéise

Who are we and what do we do?

Comhlucht Forbartha na nDéise is the Community & Language Development company for Gaeltacht na nDéise. It was founded in 2005 to bring the community and language development of the communities of An Rinn and An Sean Phobal together. Comhlucht Forbartha na nDéise has been working since then to promote and support the development and strengthening of the Irish language and to improve community facilities in the area.

Comhlucht Forbartha na nDéise is registered as a charity and as a company limited by guarantee.

Registered Charity Number: 20159740

Naonúr atá ar bhord an Chomhluchta, ceathrar ionadaí ón Rinn, ceathrar ón Sean Phobal agus ionadaí neamhspleách ó Chomhairle Cathrach agus Contae Phort Láirge.

Tagann an bord le chéile beagnach uair sa mhí agus é mar aidhm acu forbairt shóisialta, teanga, agus eacnamaíochta an cheantair a chur chun cinn.

The Team

Development Manager
Language Planning Officer
Office Secretary

Board Members

There are nine Board Members, four representatives from An Rinn, four from An Sean Phobal and one independent representative from Waterford City and County Council. The board meets almost every month with the aim of furthering social, language and economic development in the area.


Board Contact Details
Comhlucht Forbartha na nDéise’s Board may be contacted at

Our Work

There are many significant projects that have taken place in the area with the support of Comhlucht Forbartha na nDéise or with the facilitation of the company, for example:

An Imearlann, the playground in An Rinn

The All Weather Pitch in Sean Phobal

The Irish language road and tourist signage that was erected in 2021/2022

New chairs for Halla Colmáin & Ionad Pobal na Rinne in 2022


There are many great events taking place in the area in which Comhlucht Forbartha na nDéise plays a key role or that take place as a result of our support, including: 

  • Tionól Nioclás Tóibín Music and Singing Festival
  • Comhluadar an Earraigh & an Fhómhair Singing Weekends
  • Daonscoil na Mumhan
  • Easter Camp
  • Rógairí na Gaeltachta
  • Gligíní parent and toddler group
  • Music Classes and Workshops both within and outside of school time
  • Breakfast with Irish
  • Sean Phobal Concerts
  • Extracurricular activities in the three schools 
  • Rás na Rinne (Running Race) 
  • Céim ar Chéim (Community Running Group)


Affordable Housing

We have been lobbying for and working towards the development of affordable housing with language conditions in Gaeltacht na nDéise since 2018. We established a Housing Working Group and have had ongoing discussions with, and have made a number of recommendations to Údarás na Gaeltachta during that time. We are pleased that Údarás na Gaeltachta announced a decision in December 2023 to undertake the development of affordable housing with language conditions on the Údarás na Gaeltachta site in Baile na nGall, An Rinn.